What Black belt means to me by Sara Mazzuca
Hi, my name is Sara Mazzuca, I am a student at Amerikick EHT, New Jersey. I have been doing karate since I was 7 years old. I remember my mom taking me to the karate school just to look at it, and right then I was actually able to take a trial class. When I […]
What Black belt means to me by Vivian Tran
Going to karate always makes me feel happier and always distracts me from my other worries going on in my life. With quarantine happening, I took a 12-month break from karate to be safe and protect my high-risk family from the virus. That 12-month break took a huge toll on me, since interacting with people […]
What Black belt means to me by Robs Vids
Black belt can mean a lot of things in different circumstances. From achieving a goal you’ve wanted to be the best you can be at something you love doing. For me, Black belt means a new chapter in life. Realizing that there will be ups and downs in life. But to overcome any obstacle takes […]
What a black belt means To me by Erick Sandoval Arguello
A Black Belt isn’t just a rank or a belt it is yourself, your life. A person with a Black Belt should bring good to our world. We all got our white belt, orange belt, yellow belt, so on so forth to reach a new beginning. The tenets of karate: Courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and […]
What a black belt means To me by Morgan Whitaker
In 2013 we moved from Philadelphia to Barrington NJ. I was four years old when I started Karate. One reason my parents wanted me to start karate was they noticed that I would let the other kids jump in front of me, while I was waiting my turn on the playground. My dad also wanted […]
What a black belt means To me by Liam Kryzak
What black belt means to me… To gain physical conditioning and strength. To have confidence, a good attitude and perseverance. To be able to protect the people I love. To be modest and courteous. My physical condition and strength were not strong when I first joined karate. It has gotten better. Weekly in class […]
What A Black Belt Means To Me by Ally Ventura
This is what black belt means to me Amerikick Black belt means that you have gotten better at kicks, punches, and more. It means that you are able to defend yourself and know when to use karate. I think when you get your black belt you shouldn’t get it handed to you, you have to […]
What A Black Belt Means To Me by Jace Chila
A black belt is a white belt that never quit.¨ This is a quote that I’ve seen painted on my dojo’s walls for the past 5 years, and I have learned many life lessons from it. In karate you can learn a lot, and as a black belt you should know all of these things […]
Black Belt Essay by Ashley Zerbe
I have learned a lot ever since I received my Junior Black Belt. The major things I have learned is that it has helped me focus more, I have also been a lot stronger and more mature. I have been through a lot this past year and trying to earn my First Degree Black Belt […]
What A Black Belt Means to Me by Michael Dubler
Hello, my name is Michael Dubler and I have been going to AmeriKick for about seven years now. I am currently a red belt testing for my junior black belt in May 2019. I am going to tell you what a black belt means to me and what it would be like to have a […]