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Blog Post

What earning a black belt means to me by George Leigh

I’ve been asked to describe what earning a black belt means to me.

First, it will let me know I’m a warrior. I’ll know that I can fight and I can stand up for myself when I need to. Having this feeling would make me proud of myself for achieving this goal.

This also means to me that I’m a good student. When I started, I didn’t know how big the opportunity of becoming a black belt was. I didn’t know how hard the journey ahead of me was. By achieving the black belt, I’ll know how much I have learned.

Also, it will remind me how much stamina I used to do this. Sometimes I almost gave up, but I kept going. If I get my black belt, I will feel like that stamina made me appreciate this honor.

Also, if I do get my black belt, it will encourage me to keep going. It will encourage me to keep taking classes. It will encourage me to keep sparring. It will encourage me to keep going on other hobbies I do, like violin or baseball. Because of this encouragement, I will WANT to learn.

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Also, I will be happy for myself. I will appreciate this honor and the long journey. I will remember the rough times all adding up to this. It will start up my body for my future. It will prepare myself for the new challenges in my life.

I will also remember the good times. I will remember getting my first gold medal. I will remember getting 3rd place in the Amerikick Internationals. I will remember getting all of my belts—including the work I’ve done to earn them. I will remember everything.

Also, what made me start karate was getting the black belt itself. When I started going to Amerikick, I really wanted to get to the top level. I kept hoping for it as I got closer and closer. Now I’m here. Almost there. I will fulfill my dreams if I get my black belt.

I spent almost half of my life here on earth (so far) doing karate. It has been 4 years and I’m almost there. I remember when I started with no clue on what I was going to do. I was 6 then. I became more talented as I kept going through these 4 years. I have been honored for every belt I received. And one year ago, I got my student of the month belt. And now, I’ve got everything I need to pass this test. I’m ready.

I’ve had a packed schedule these past 4 years. I have played baseball. I’ve have done gymnastics. I have started the violin. I have had homework. I’ve taken most of my free time to learn and practice karate. I’ve worked so hard on practicing the art of karate and have sacrificed many things I like to do in my free time. I know I have worked very hard over these past four years and can not wait to reach this goal I have had for so long.

All of this is what a black belt means to me.
