Black Belt Essay by Katelin Harkins

Throughout my time of being a black belt, I have noticed many changes that have occurred since becoming one. Many changes are minor, like different classes, practicing more, and learning more curriculum. Being a black belt has a stronger impact on a person than most belts. It teaches a person, including myself, a lot more […]

Black Belt Essay by Kain Trusko

The idea of achieving Black Belt excellence means the world to me. When I began this journey more then four years ago, I did not quite understand what challenges were in front of me. I have learned that achieving Black Belt is more about personal growth then it is about being an incredible fighter. This […]

Black Belt Essay by Noah Stapleton

For the past few years I have been working for a goal: getting my black belt. For a long time I have been waiting for the accomplishment of getting my black belt. I worked very hard trying to get it and now I’m almost to the point where I finally achieve it. A black belt […]

What a Black Belt Means to Me by Vivian Zarallo

All of these years I have been training and working up to my black belt. The ingredients of a black belt are blood, sweat and tears.  I went from white belt up to red belt working and preparing for my black belt.  Getting your first black belt is a once in a lifetime chance and […]

Black Belt Essay by Liam Keet

 I have had my Junior Black Belt for about two years, and now, I am getting ready to try to earn my Senior Black Belt. I learned many things during my time as a Junior Black Belt, but the top three lessons were about respect, responsibility, and giving back. Those three lessons really stuck out […]

What a Black Belt Means to me by Jack (JJ) Traversa

A black belt is usually symbolized with mastery and expertise in karate, although that is only half true. Yes, someone has to work very hard to earn their black belt, but there will always be more to learn and more to improve upon. That is why a black belt is not only the end, but […]

Theo Molot: What a Black Belt Means to Me ?

I had to think about this. When I was five, I hated karate because my parents forced me to do it. Later I realized I enjoyed karate and working towards my next belt. I always felt a sense of achievement when I got to the next belt because I earned that belt by knowing my […]

Black Belt Essay by Taylor Greiner

In my eyes a black belt is respectful, strong, courageous, trustworthy and responsible.  These are some of the reasons why I want to be an outstanding black belt.  I like to help out the younger kids learning their katas and stances.  I know I am still too young, but maybe when I am older I […]

What A Black Belt Means to Me by Tyler Peleckis

A black belt means to me, that you can accomplish anything if you keep trying. It has also taught me to set goals that need to be accomplished and to never give up trying to achieve these goals, and to reach my ultimate goal of getting my black belt. So, say you have a hard […]

What a Black Belt Means to Me by Dolan Harte

What being a black belt means to me by Dolan Harte. Being a black belt means many things.  It means dedication, hard work, friendship and accomplishment. It is showing dedication to classes every week, which is hard when you play sports and have tests at school.  I remember when I had a baseball tournament and […]