confidence, self-control
fitness, leadership

getting started is easy


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Amerikick is an organization that continues to have a PROFOUND IMPACT on the lives of students, families and parents.

Established in 1967 by Dennis Tosten, Amerikick is nationally recognized for it’s distinct ability to combine GREAT MARTIAL ARTS AND GREAT TEACHERS. In addition, it’s DEDICATED team has been able to create a lasting impact on the FITNESS INDUSTRY.

Whether you want build your child’s physical skill set, CONFIDENCE, FOCUS, DISCIPLINE or if you are interested in the most intense fitness programs on the market, WE ARE THE PLACE FOR YOU.


Franchise Head Quarters Marlton, NJ 230 North Maple Avenue – Marlton, NJ 08053

Contact Number


CALL/TEXT Master Tosten

+267 -980-8518

Our Classes

Large Variety Of Martial Arts Classes

Why You Belong Here ?

Hear Why You Belong at Amerikick School From This Video.

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My son Vincent has been involved with Amerikick since he was 4 years old. He has been with the

organization ever since. It’s hard to put into words what Amerikick has done for my son. It’s more than

a karate school. It’s an extension of our family.

Micke Little

I’ve been training with this team/family since age 6 (I am now 36). Honor, Respect, Integrity and Giving

Back – I’ve learned all of this while learning to defend myself, building a strong mind, strong spirit,

strong body and fostering the will to succeed.

Dane Jenkins

I started at Amerikick Martial Arts as a 7 year old shy kid. I can’t tell you how proud I am to have

earned my black belt. Now, I have the privilege of teaching the next generation of martial artists. I’m

proud to be a part of the Amerikick family.

Bryan Liptrot

I started at Amerikick as a 7 year old kid and it has been my passion ever since. The lessons I’ve

learned as a student, teacher and now as a member of Amerikick’s expansion have stayed with me my

entire life. Someone recently asked me, “why do you work for Amerikick?” I replied, “because I couldn’t

imagine being anywhere else? Because of Amerikick I am the man that I am proud to be today!”

Chris Millares

Own An Amerikick

Join The Amerikick Franchise & Own An Amerikick School Now

Blog Post

What A Black Belt Means To Me by Connor Baily

Being a black belt means to me that I have gone through very hard challenges. I had to do push ups, sit-ups, burpees, and many more to get to the level of the black belt. Also being a black belt means to me that I have gotten stronger and stronger throughout the years. Being a […]

What A Black Belt Means by Kasey Schwalje

I have been taking karate for five years. Throughout those five years, I have learned a lot. I haven’t only learned how to defend and protect myself if needed, but I have grown so much more as a person. Five years ago, I was a small, ten year old who was coming home everyday crying […]

What Black Belt Means to Me – Lucas Vedam

Black belt is very important, it signifies that you did not give up during your training as an amerikick member, when you were a white belt, to your black belt testing. Black belt also signifies that you know Amerikick techniques and katas and that you understood them correctly. Black Belt is very important to me […]