What Becoming a Black belt means to me by Rick Miles
Amerikick Black Belt adventure The adventure to my Amerikick Black Belt began about four and a half years ago. My daughter Joselyn, now a jr. Black belt, wanted to begin her career as a ninja. After some quick google searches my wife found a deal for classes and a free uniform, so we signed up […]
What A Black Belt Means To Me by Ally Ventura
This is what black belt means to me Amerikick Black belt means that you have gotten better at kicks, punches, and more. It means that you are able to defend yourself and know when to use karate. I think when you get your black belt you shouldn’t get it handed to you, you have to […]
What A Black Belt Means To Me by Jace Chila
A black belt is a white belt that never quit.¨ This is a quote that I’ve seen painted on my dojo’s walls for the past 5 years, and I have learned many life lessons from it. In karate you can learn a lot, and as a black belt you should know all of these things […]
Black Belt Essay by Ashley Zerbe
I have learned a lot ever since I received my Junior Black Belt. The major things I have learned is that it has helped me focus more, I have also been a lot stronger and more mature. I have been through a lot this past year and trying to earn my First Degree Black Belt […]
What A Black Belt Means to Me by Michael Dubler
Hello, my name is Michael Dubler and I have been going to AmeriKick for about seven years now. I am currently a red belt testing for my junior black belt in May 2019. I am going to tell you what a black belt means to me and what it would be like to have a […]
Black Belt Essay by Xander Stutzman
Martial Arts Karate Fun Martial Arts Karate is something I can go do for fun, and while it’s fun, I can also be learning important things like how to protect yourself or having a better amount of flexibility. There are many things that karate can help you do in life, and a few of them […]
What a Black Belt Means to Me by Samara Landais
Martial arts is not just a form of self defense, it is a way of life. You must be the same person you are inside and outside of the dojo. Following this way of life has improved aspects of me. My body is healthier, I have become more studious, I have more respect, I am […]
What My Black Belt Means To Me by Priya Rao
Teaching and Learning on the karate black belt Journey Amerikick “Short-one” This is what I will be saying when I become a karate black belt. My black belt means to me that I am one step closer to becoming a full sensei, I will have something that most people I know don’t have, and I can […]
What A Black Belt Means to Me by Josh Green
Achieve the degree black belt In the world of martial arts, the ultimate goal is to achieve the degree black belt. This is no easy task, for students of martial arts must first receive instruction from other black belts, progressively advancing through the ranks in order to attain a black belt. This process, done correctly, […]
What A Black Belt Means To Me by Marissa Willbanks
Being a Karate Black Belt Being a Karate Black Belt means many things to me, but most prominently it means that I’ve lived up to the Amerikick Creed. As an Amerikick student I’ve work hard: I’ve learned that “I can’t” is only an excuse and shown myself that “I can” overcome obstacles and challenges thrown my way. When I first committed to […]