What a Black Belt Means to Me by Samara Landais

Martial arts is not just a form of self defense, it is a way of life. You must be the same person you are inside and outside of the dojo. Following this way of life has improved aspects of me. My body is healthier, I have become more studious, I have more respect, I am […]

What A Black Belt Means to Me by Michael Dubler

Hello, my name is Michael Dubler and I have been going to AmeriKick for about seven years now. I am currently a red belt testing for my junior black belt in May 2019. I am going to tell you what a black belt means to me and what it would be like to have a […]

What A Black Belt Means To Me by Jace Chila

A black belt is a white belt that never quit.¨ This is a quote that I’ve seen painted on my dojo’s walls for the past 5 years, and I have learned many life lessons from it. In karate you can learn a lot, and as a black belt you should know all of these things […]

What Becoming a Black belt means to me by Rick Miles

Amerikick Black Belt adventure  The adventure to my Amerikick Black Belt began about four and a half years ago. My daughter Joselyn, now a jr. Black belt, wanted to begin her career as a ninja. After some quick google searches my wife found a deal for classes and a free uniform, so we signed up […]

Black Belt Essay by Matthew Leone

Journey to Black Belt To me journey to Black Belt means lots of achievements such as strength, honor and bravery.  Strength is shown in the physical test.  Honor is shown by being accepted to take the test and Bravery is shown by actually taking and passing the test.  Some achievements that I feel about earning a Black Belt […]

What Black Belt means to me By Grace Duffy

Earning my black belt rank Earning my black belt rank means a lot of things to me. But the most important reasons are that it shows that I am qualified, and can protect myself if necessary. It shows that I have worked hard and can work hard on anything. Above all, I can stand up […]

What My Black Belt Means to Me by Gracie Sokoloff

Degree Black Belt My degree black belt. For seven years, the moment I’ve been waiting for, has finally come to me. I will be receiving my Black Belt. The color I have seen on many Senseis, teaching me to come to this spectacular point of my life. And now I will be one of those […]

What Black Belt Means to Me by Amelia Haque

Earning My Black Belt  On June 3rd, 2017, I became a black belt. That day will forever be one of the most important days of my life, since I achieved the goal that every martial artist sets out to reach. Since then, as a junior black belt I have learned many valuable lessons that I […]

Black Belt Essay by Zachary Huot

how to get black belt in karate? When I first started karate, I was only five years old. I remember watching black belts and thinking that I was never going to be able to get there. How would I memorize all those katas? How would I run 3 miles? It just seemed impossible. My brother, […]

Black Belt Essay by Ryan White

Lessons taught by Senseis As a junior belt, senseis teach many lessons that apply not only to karate, but also to life. However, at that age, not many of those lessons click in the students’ brains. Later in life, these students mature, and they truly understand the lessons that their senseis have taught them. This […]