Blog Post

What A Black Belt Means to Me by Michael Dubler

Hello, my name is Michael Dubler and I have been going to AmeriKick for about seven years now. I am currently a red belt testing for my junior black belt in May 2019. I am going to tell you what a black belt means to me and what it would be like to have a chance to earn one.

When I think of what a black belt means to me, I think of a life long accomplishment. I think of a goal that I thought I would never achieve. When I first started karate at AmeriKick I thought that it would be really cool to have a black belt. However, I never thought I would go so far or that I would even be able to have a chance to obtain one. I still can’t believe that I have the opportunity to test for a black belt. What I am trying to say is that when I think of what a black belt means to me, I think of a goal I had the first day I came to AmeriKick.

When I think of what a black belt means to me I think of responsibility. When I earn my black belt I have a responsibility to show younger kids of lower belts the time and dedication it takes to prepare and be ready to earn their black belt. Even now, before I have my black belt I have a responsibility to make sure I study, train, write this essay, and make sure overall I am ready physically and mentally for testing. I also must be a good role model for making it to class and listening.

When I think of what a black belt means to me I think of honor. When you earn a black belt you have a feeling of honor. It is not only the privilege of having the black belt but also the respect of having it. When you get a black belt you have a new purpose to honor your black belt because it’s your black belt with your name on it. You have to wear your black belt with pride and honor and look the part because if you look sloppy you will look like you do not care and do not have the time for it. However,` if you look nice and are wearing everything correctly it looks like you do care and at least have enough time to look properly. When I think of what a black belt means to me I think of what honor it is to wear and earn one.

Overall when I think of what a black belt means to me I think of personal achievement, along with responsibility and honor. Again my name is Michael Dubler and I will be testing in May 2019.
