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Black Belt Essay by Kain Trusko

The idea of achieving Black Belt excellence means the world to me. When I began this journey more then four years ago, I did not quite understand what challenges were in front of me. I have learned that achieving Black Belt is more about personal growth then it is about being an incredible fighter. This path has been about integrity, modesty, self improvement and most of all perseverance.

Modesty, courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self control and indomitable spirit to me are the main symbols of karate. They all benefit me in ways to become a better martial artist. Modesty helps me by not being to proud or to confident about my abilities. Courtesy teaches me to be honest, respectful and honorable to everyone I meet. Integrity helps me with being honest and to have strong moral principals. Perseverance helps me by having persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. For example, when I broke my arm two years ago on my eighth birthday I still made it to all of my classes. Self control makes sure that I have the ability to control my actions, especially in difficult situations. Indomitable spirit keeps me strong to work hard and never give up.

Karate is really important to me. I love being active. I play other sports like baseball, basketball and soccer but karate is by far my favorite sport. I feel my most confident when I am practicing martial arts in the studio. It’s the best feeling ever. I really enjoy learning how to use weapons. Bo Staff is my favorite and the most fun. I love doing tricks with it especially neck and arm rolls. Nunchucks are my second favorite. You have to work hard to control them to make them work, but I like a challenge. Kamas are my least favorite because I feel like they are to easy to control and less fun to use. Sparring is also something that I work really hard on. It helps me to push myself in ways that are out of my comfort zone. I am not an aggressive kid and having this ability will help me to always stand up for myself and not be scared. It makes me feel powerful. Self defense is so important to me. If gives me comfort, to feel safe and to be able to protect myself.

I have a little brother named Shea who also practices at Amerikick. I want to be a great role model for him. He looks up to me and it makes me feel very proud. I enjoy guiding him and teaching him. We have so much fun together at home practicing our katas and having our parents watch and give us scores. We also have a training bag down in our basement to practice our kicks and punches. I love that not only can we do this at the studio but we can get the extra practice and exercise at home.

When I started karate I had a goal to do the best I can and to become a Black Belt. I push myself in every class to learn and stand out. Now I am so close to achieving my goal. I look forward to continue to learn and grow as a martial artist. I am so thankful and grateful for each Sensei that has guided me along my journey. It would be so amazing to say that by the age of ten I became a Junior Black Belt.
