Anti Bully behavior is not just physical. It can be mental, emotional, and believe it or not, digital. Amerikick arms kids with the CONFIDENCE and KNOWLEDGE to handle these senseless situations.
Bullies target other kids because they have a low self-esteem!
Through repetition, guided practice, and a culture that breeds LEADERSHIP, our kids learn how to defend themselves in a BIG WAY! As parents who love our kids, let’s take the initiative and work to put Anti Bully tactics into action and BULLIES IN THEIR PLACE!
Bullying doesn’t have to be a part of growing up. There are more important things for kids to focus on: school, sports, family, and yes, EARNING THEIR BLACK BELT.We are excited to serve and provide a safe place for kids to become THE BEST VERSION OF THEMSELVES!
There is a HUGE difference between defending against a bully and recognizing a DANGEROUS STRANGER
At Amerikick, we consistently reinforce that “ADULT CONVERSATIONS ARE FOR ADULTS” and “KID CONVERSATIONS ARE FOR KIDS.” It’s never appropriate for a complete stranger to have adult dialogue with a kid.
Teaching children to recognize potentially dangerous situations is something that we don’t take lightly. In the Amerikick kids classes, students learn rather quickly what to watch out for and how to respond in the moment. We incorporate Anti Bully techniques to ensure kids are prepared for these situations. We approach our training with a “SMOKE ALARM” approach.
We hope our students are put into a position where they HAVE to use their Amerikick training, but if they are, WE WANT IT TO WORK!
My son Vincent has been involved with Amerikick since he was 4 years old. He has been with the
organization ever since. It’s hard to put into words what Amerikick has done for my son. It’s more than
a karate school. It’s an extension of our family.
I’ve been training with this team/family since age 6 (I am now 36). Honor, Respect, Integrity and Giving
Back – I’ve learned all of this while learning to defend myself, building a strong mind, strong spirit,
strong body and fostering the will to succeed.
I started at Amerikick Martial Arts as a 7 year old shy kid. I can’t tell you how proud I am to have
earned my black belt. Now, I have the privilege of teaching the next generation of martial artists. I’m
proud to be a part of the Amerikick family.
I started at Amerikick as a 7 year old kid and it has been my passion ever since. The lessons I’ve
learned as a student, teacher and now as a member of Amerikick’s expansion have stayed with me my
entire life. Someone recently asked me, “why do you work for Amerikick?” I replied, “because I couldn’t
imagine being anywhere else? Because of Amerikick I am the man that I am proud to be today!”